Balding or thinning hair is a tell-tale sign of aging, usually beginning around the mid-30s. In the past, very little could be done to address this problem, short of wearing a hat or hairpiece. Fortunately, there is now a simple solution to help you regrow your natural hair with hair replacement treatment at Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center.
Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center offers some of the best hair replacement treatments using NeoGraft hair restoration technology. NeoGraft offers two simple and highly effective methods of hair restoration: the NeoGraft FUE and the NeoGraft LTF Red/Green procedure.
The NeoGraft FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction is a simple, minimally invasive, and virtually pain-free procedure that takes hair replacement to an entirely new level. Hair replacement is no new idea, but unlike older, inferior methods such as hair transplants, the NeoGraft FUE leaves no unsightly scarring or other noticeable signs of the procedure. Using the NeoGraft FUE, Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center, Scottsdale, can harvest and replace up to 2400 hair follicles in a single session. Hair follicles are harvested using pneumatic pressure and replaced in the scalp. Once the procedure is complete, you will notice natural hair growth in the first 4-5 months and complete hair regrowth in 9-12 months.
Regrow Your Own Natural Hair with Hair Replacement Treatments at Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center
If you are concerned about your thinning hair but do not need hair replacement treatment as advanced as the NeoGraft FUE, you may want to consider NeoGraft LTF Red/Green treatment. This treatment targets the scalp with alternating frequencies of red and green light. These frequencies have been proven to increase the amount of oxygen in the scalp, which helps to strengthen and grow the hair that is already there, as well as stimulate the production of cellular energy, increasing the blood flow in the region and encouraging increased hair growth. This pain-free procedure helps your hair grow back thicker and more robust, allowing you to look the same as you did before your hair began to thin.
Just because your hair has begun to thin or fall out doesn't mean you are resigned to a life of baseball caps and comb-overs. Thanks to Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center, Scottsdale, and NeoGraft technology, hair replacement treatment is easier and less noticeable than ever. If you are ready to toss out that cap while you run your fingers through a full head of healthy, natural hair, set up a consultation today, and let's get started.
Looking for a way to treat your hair loss? Look no further than hair replacement! Hair replacement is a safe and effective treatment for hair loss, and it can be used to treat a variety of conditions. Whether you're looking to treat alopecia, male pattern baldness, or simply don't like the way your hair looks, hair replacement can help.
If you're looking for a treatment to improve the appearance of your scalp, you need hair replacement. Hair replacement is a process whereby new hair is inserted into the balding or thinning areas of the scalp. This can help to give the appearance of fuller, thicker hair. In addition, hair replacement can also help to treat other scalp conditions, such as alopecia. If you're considering this treatment, it's essential to consult a qualified dermatologist or surgeon to ensure it's the right option for you.
The success rate for hair transplants is about 80%. But, it can take nine months before the new growth takes root and begins to fill in.
Since the hair follicles are cut and rearranged during a transplant, it takes time for them to grow naturally again. It can take up to 6 months; however, these procedures last forever!
You may be surprised to learn that hair loss surgery is not painful. Local anesthesia and post-operative pain medications ensure the procedure will only leave you relaxed and not stressed out! While there could always be some temporary discomfort associated with any medical intervention in your body.
Follicular unit extraction is a process that takes several sessions to achieve desired results. On the other hand, micrografts and follicles can be planted in one session, which gives you a quicker turnaround time for hair restoration surgery!
Hair replacement is not recommended for the following patients:
You're likely to first bring your concerns to the attention of your family doctor. They may refer you to a doctor who specializes in treating skin problems.
Is there anything that you should do before your procedure? Of course! It would help if you were as prepared and ready as possible. To get in the best shape of your life, just like any other important event or appointment- prepare by following these simple steps:
You should always shampoo your hair daily to remove any scabs or residue left over from the surgery. After about 7-10 days, you can wash it like usual and enjoy clean locks as soon as possible!