Gynecomastia - Facts About Male Breast Enlargement

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The simple act of pulling a shirt off at the gym or at the beach can quickly become a major issue for men struggling with gynecomastia, or enlarged breasts. It leads to a lack of confidence during intimacy, a feeling of not being attractive.

The thrust of the problem with male breast enlargement centers less on the physical aspect, rather it’s psychological. A man’s chest takes on a symbolic identity of his manhood, and when the chest doesn’t look the way it should, problems arise. “Man boobs” leave many men feeling like they aren’t good enough, that they aren’t man enough.  Therefore that blow to confidence has the potential to bleed into other parts of life.

Treatment for male breast enlargement can come in many forms, many of them non-surgical and minimally invasive. Men with gynecomastia do have options for dealing with this disease. Reflect on treatment makes it possible for men to get on with their lives feeling confident both inside and out.

Causes of Gynecomastia

As with most physical issues, causes of male breast enlargement vary.  Surprisingly, it can affect one or both breasts, and the effects can be decidedly disproportionate in some men, leaving them feeling lopsided.

It’s important for men to know that breast cancer rarely causes male breast enlargement, but nonetheless it’s important to consult with a physician to rule out any underlying health problems. Doctors can test the blood for anomalies that indicate medical issues that should be addressed. The most common causes of gynecomastia aren’t life threatening and thus can be treated cosmetically.

Male breast enlargement in teens usually diminishes with time as hormone levels balance out over the course of two to three years. Other causes won’t pass with time and require intervention. Here are a few of the common causes of gynecomastia.

  • Shifts in hormone levels (in middle age or beyond)
  • Certain medications – including some heartburn, anxiety, and heart medications, or even antibiotics
  • Excess alcohol use
  • Recreational drug use
  • Herbal products, including tea tree and lavender
  • Overactive thyroid
  • Kidney disease
  • Weight gain

Some of these issues are serious, which is why men should always consult with a doctor before setting out on a treatment regimen of any kind.

The rubbery tissue underneath the skin of the chest in gynecomastia consists of fat cells that are deposited there for a variety of reasons. Removing the fat will solve the problem assuming any underlying issues have be addressed that might cause the fat deposits to return. Finally, note that many of the causes of gynecomastia  leave fat deposits in the chest that stick around even once the underlying issue has been resolved.

Treatments for Male Breast Enlargement

In some cases, addressing the root cause of gynecomastia is the best solution. In other cases taking on the symptoms  offers the most effective course of treatment for male breast enlargement. Either way, working with an expert in gynecomastia can help men to get the relief that they’re looking for without surgery to remove the fat that’s under the skin.

Treatment for gynecomastia  can include:

  • Surgery
  • Hormone therapy for men
  • Diet improvements
  • Increased exercise
  • Coolsculpting
  • Laser therapy

Known as reduction mammoplasty, surgery for the treatment of gynecomastia offers a common treatment option. It involves making an incision in the skin and then removing the excess fat. Not every man with gynecomastia is a candidate for surgery, and many men find that the risks associated with surgery are prohibitive. Furthermore, surgery for male breast enlargement can be expensive and isn’t often covered by health insurance.

Treatment for Gynecomastia Doesn’t have to Involve Surgery

The great thing about non-surgical treatment options for gynecomastia is that they don’t require the downtime or risks associated with surgery, while still giving men the relief that they need.  Fat deposits in the chest that are the hallmark of gynecomastia can be addressed through hormone replacement therapy to get to the underlying cause. Diet and exercise offer powerful solutions as well,  though neither of these are perfect solutions as it can be impossible to target their effects.

Laser therapy addresses the cellulite associated with gynecomastia and can improve the look of the chest, however Coolsculpting presents the best non-surgical treatment option for men who want to banish male breasts. Coolsculpting freezes fat cells in targeted areas. At that point fat can be absorbed back into the body. Therefore, over the course of a treatment regimen, men can permanently resolve gynecomastia.

In conclusion, note that gynecomastia affects thousands of men each year. Reluctant to talk about it,  often men just ignore the problem as they go on living with the psychological effects. Reaching out for treatment marks a revelation, especially for men who are faced with male breast enlargement.


Jason Townsend
Original Post Date: 
December 23, 2016
Date Last Updated: 
September 13, 2021
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