How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off The Right Way
Have you wanted to lose weight but just don’t know where to start? There are so many diets and weight loss programs out there. Which one is right for your body type? Here are 3 ways you can get the body you want, without worrying about weight coming back:
- Find the best diet and weight loss program
- Account for your hormones and metabolism
- Have the support you need to succeed.
The Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center works with people to help them get the body image that they desire most. At the first visit, Mary related what her goals were for her body, and the things she would like changed. After having two kids back to back, she felt that she could look so much healthier and feel better about herself with the right techniques and actions.
Mary came in to her first appointment with a positive outlook and view about her situation. She is a compassionate and warm person and considered her weight gain and body image to be things that could be solved. After weeks of searching for the best clinics online she found the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center.
The Treatment
Throughout the treatment program, diet and exercise were also incredibly effective for losing weight. However, research shows that calorie intake and exercise alone may not be enough to reach weight loss goals. Hormone replacement therapy and programs are some of the most effective when it comes to getting life-changing results. Clinical trials have shown that hormone replacement helps limit weight gain and improves metabolic functions. It prescribes custom levels and specific hormones to combat imbalances while giving the body a fighting chance at keeping weight off.
Coolsculpting was incorporated to help smooth out love handles and keep weight off. Data shows that it can reduce fat by twenty-five percent in as little as one treatment. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved this technique in 2012 to help freeze fat cells in a noninvasive way. This relatively new procedure has been gaining a lot of attention, as one recent study found that there are over three hundred recent studies that mention cool sculpting.
These photos show a stark contrast between her body image before and after the program. These changes took constant determination and willpower to accomplish. By following a strict routine of diet, exercise and supplements, Mary was able to see the changes that she was looking forward to. Less than a year later, she is still no longer worries about her body image and previous weight issues.
As you can see by the Before Photo, she started out with unwanted fat in the midsection. You can also identify the other areas where weight gain was most pronounced.

During that time she was following the program, Mary was treated for hormone replacement. As treatment continued she received a personalized routine to follow at home. This was vital to ensuring she got the best results, and in preventing the fat from coming back.
After treatment, her weight loss continued and she was able to fulfill all of her initially set goals. Clinical trials since 2014 show that certain hormones can directly affect energy and the ability to burn fat. With a customized plan, we had also eliminated imbalances in hormone levels to address these underlying issues.
Prior to starting the weight loss program, Mary had a goal of entering the NTC International Physique Beauty Contest. With hard work and perseverance, she ended up finishing 2nd in the contest– a phenomenal success to say the least!
The Routine
Mary shaped her routine to utilize the best aspects of the program. She emphasized that sticking to it through and through, led her to her long-term success. These are three effective tips that were instrumental in getting the best weight loss:
1. Drinking Lots of Water; up to three liters per day, and avoiding Soda.
2. Eating frequently (once every three or four hours) and earlier in the day.
3. Initially, try to do your cardio and your weightlifting separately. Plan one for the morning and one for the night and/or your lunch break. Believe in yourself and your ability to plan out your day and make everything work.
4. Avoiding salty foods and buying organic.
5. Using PAM spray for a recommended ten minutes.
6. Invest in a food scale. ‘Eye-balling’ doesn’t really work. Dry goods and veggies you measure or weight before you cook while meat you measure after you cook it.
7. Buy some fun caffeine-free tea that you like (I love apple spice or holiday cookie) to have at night before bed. It feels like a sweet treat!
8.Designate Sunday as your Meal Prep day where you prepare your food for the week. The less thinking you have to, the better and you don’t want any excuse to binge or cheat. If your food is always ready to go, you’ll succeed!
Mary’s Comments
Q: What were some of the reasons you considered going through the program?
A: My body just didn’t look the same after two pregnancy. It looks very different so that was it, it was my last straw. I was 8 months postpartum, looking at myself in the mirror and I just didn’t feel like myself. I figured that it was time for a change.
After the program my goal was to enter myself into a fitness competition. I wanted to be able to do it so that was the way the program was basically designed for me. I was excited to go ahead and put myself up on stage and everyone helped me make it a really big success.
Q: What would you suggest to other moms and people interested in the procedure?
A: My suggestion would be to make sure that you are prepared for it and that you can dedicate your time to improving yourself. A healthy mommy is a good mommy. As long as you are ready to put in the time and effort, having a good program will help you reach your body goals.
Q: How did you feel about experience with the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Clinic?
A: Everyone is so friendly and very informative. You want to make sure that you know you’re number 1 to them and it’s not like just a regular number at any other doctor’s office. It’s more personalized with them. I felt comfortable with the clinic and think that is a huge part of how successful the program will be.