Neograft: The Latest In Hair Treatment Technology
These days it seems like there are a million prescription and unproven over the counter formulas for hair treatment and hair re-growth. Similarly, the average Arizona resident experiencing balding or thinning has a million to one shot at finding the product that works best for them. And then there are dermatologists who will often encourage you to try multiple treatments at the same time, as with Rogaine. Here at BHRC Scottsdale, we want to introduce you to latest hair treatment technology that patients of ours have been raving about.

Finding a hair treatment that works for you can be an uphill battle. Let BHRC Scottsdale help you choose a treatment that best suits your scalp.
For Arizona hair treatment candidates who are in the latter stages of hair loss, we recommend using the advanced NeoGraft Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). With this NeoGraft technology, our treatment specialists can restore your hair at a rate of 2400 hair follicles in just one treatment session. In this minimally invasive procedure, pneumatic pressure allows your hair follicles to sprout natural hair in just a few months. Patients generally see a full head of natural hair after 9 months to a year.
For thinning or receding hair, seeking immediate hair treatment can help to deter or prolong more permanent balding.
If thinning hair is more of a concern for you than a balding scalp and you’re looking for a preemptive hair solution, the NeoGraft LTF Red/Green Treatment might work best for you. This NeoGraft treatment uses red and green light frequencies to raise oxygen levels in your scalp and encourage better blood-flow. This scientifically tested procedure generally leaves patients with a thicker, fuller head of hair. Many patients see their hair returning to a previous state of growth.
If you feel that it’s time for a hair treatment to end all hair treatments, then come in to Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center of Scottsdale for a consultation. We’ll help advise on what we feel is the best NeoGraft hair treatment for you and your scalp and walk you through each procedure so that you feel comfortable about the process beforehand.