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PRP Facials

Get a natural-looking facial faster and more effectively than creams and exfoliants alone. Use PRP facials - the non-surgical option with platelet-rich plasma stimulates collagen production and advanced skin healing.

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About PRP Facials

‍You’ve probably heard about platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facials, also known as PRP facials. The basic process begins with a technician drawing blood and then using the centrifuge to separate the red cells from the whole blood. What remains is your natural PRP that will be used in this facial treatment for rejuvenating your face, tightening wrinkles on parts of it, or improving its appearance in some way, depending on what you want done.

The PRP facial is made up of your blood platelets, which are the building blocks for skin rejuvenation and plasma. Simply put, the PRP Facial utilizes natural chemicals in your bloodstream on areas of concern throughout your face.


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Discover the Power of PRP Facials at Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center

  • Non-invasive procedure
  • Uses your cells so that you won’t risk any side effects or allergic reactions
  • Regain some of your youthful appearance
  • Take your skin to the next level
  • Enjoy your refreshed appearance for months

PRP Facial FAQs at Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center

  • What is a PRP Facial?

    You’ve probably heard about platelet-rich plasma (PRP) facials, also known as PRP facials. The basic process begins with a technician drawing blood and then using the centrifuge to separate the red cells from the whole blood. What remains is your natural PRP that will be used in this facial treatment for rejuvenating your face, tightening wrinkles on parts of it, or improving its appearance in some way, depending on what you want done.

  • How Do PRP Facials Work?

    The PRP facial is made up of your blood platelets, which are the building blocks for skin rejuvenation and plasma. These components stimulate collagen growth so wrinkles can be smoothed out while giving visible results in just one procedure! Simply put, the PRP Facial utilizes natural chemicals in your bloodstream on areas of concern throughout your face.

  • How Much Do PRP Facials Cost?

    A typical PRP facial treatment will cost anywhere from $750 to $1,500+ depending on the area you have treated and how many sessions you have received. The facial involves two primary components: microneedling (to stimulate your skin) and PRP therapy (extracting blood). Contact us to find out more!

  • How Long Do PRP Facials Last?

    PRP Facials can take a few weeks (up to three months) for results to become evident as your skin adjusts. PRP treatments are not necessarily quick fixes; they need time work, but their results tend to last anywhere from 1 to 2 years, and with regular PRP facial sessions, you can maintain healthy-looking skin that has been improved from within!

  • What are PRP Facial Benefits?
    • Stimulate collagen growth.
    • Tighten lax skin.
    • Improve skin tone.
    • Smooth out fine lines and wrinkles.

    Platelet-rich plasma, with platelets extracted from your blood, offers the following benefits for your face:

    • They are rich in growth factors.
    • They help your skin function optimally, increase collagen, and increase elastin.
    • They act as antioxidants and have hydrating properties that work as powerful anti-aging methods.
  • Does PRP Really Work For the Face?

    Aesthetic enthusiasts value PRP’s skin-nourishing concentration of vitamins, nutrients, and proteins and its ability to help tissue regenerate. The thinking behind PRP treatments for your face is that they can accelerate wound healing and tissue regeneration. With a healthy diet, exercise routine, and skincare regimen (including makeup), PRP can make all these processes easier for you while keeping your skin fresh and radiant!

  • Is PRP Better Than Botox?

    You can choose one or the other if you’re interested in Botox and PRP. Both treatments focus on different things: Botox relaxes facial muscles and is a targeted treatment for wrinkles, while PRP uses a preparation of your blood stem cells to stimulate new skin cell growth in your face.

  • Does PRP Really Work For Wrinkles?

    In a recent study aimed to evaluate the role of PRP in wrinkled, aged skin rejuvenation and provide evidence of improved appearance, 30 healthy females who received three treatments with 15-day intervals between injections were evaluated by VISIA® results, which showed that wrinkles, texture, and pores decreased following treatment.

    Source: National Library of Medicine

  • Who Should Not Get a PRP Facial?

    While PRP is considered safe for most people, it’s not recommended for anyone who has one of the following medical conditions:Hepatitis C., HIV, or AIDS—any blood cancer.

  • What Should I Tell My Doctor Before I Get a PRP Facial?

    Before getting a PRP facial, you should consult with your doctor and let them know if you have had cancer that has been in remission for less than five years, if you have any blood conditions such as anemia, HIV, or hepatitis; if you have had any recent infections, and disclose any neurological disorders such as cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s Disease or ALS. Utilizing this information, your doctor will let you know if a PRP facial fits you.

  • What Should I Do Before My PRP Facial Treatment?

    Before your PRP Facial treatment, one of our specialists will discuss what to expect during your treatment. However, you should know that there are a few things to consider following before your session:

    • At least three to four days before your procedure, discontinue anti-inflammatory medications.
    • One to two weeks before your procedure, discontinue any blood-thinning herbs, supplements, or vitamins.
    • One to two weeks before your procedure, discontinue systematic steroids.
    • Discontinue steroid injections at least one month before your procedure.
    • On the day of your procedure, eat a healthy breakfast and drink plenty of water.
    • Please be advised that a discontinuation plan must be discussed with your primary care provider if you take chronic oral steroids, as abrupt stoppage may cause side effects. Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center does not advise stopping or taking any medication regimens without consulting the doctor who prescribed them.
  • What Should I Do After My PRP Facial Treatment?

    After your PRP Facial session, we recommend getting as much rest as possible. After your session, you may experience some mild to moderate redness, swelling, pain, or discomfort in the areas you had treated. This is normal and a sign that your body is healing as it adjusts to the injections. It is best to stay hydrated and drink plenty of water to help promote healing.

    You mustn’t take ANY medications following your procedure unless specifically directed otherwise by a physician. The medication can affect the healing process or have other adverse effects.

    Therefore, discontinue the use of any of these medications post-procedure for best results:

    • Anti-inflammatory medications for at least two weeks post-procedure
    • Blood-thinning herbs, supplements, or vitamins for 3-4 days post-procedure
    • Systematic steroids for two weeks post-procedure

    Other important guidelines to follow after your PRP Facial are:

    • Avoid applying ice or heat to the injection site for the first 72 hours post-procedure
    • Don’t take a hot bath or go to a sauna for the first few days post-procedure
    • Avoid consumption of any alcoholic beverages for the first week post-procedure
    • Avoid showering for the first 24 hours following your procedure
    • Avoid smoking

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