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Lower Body

Transform your lower body and discover a new you at Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center! Our body contouring procedures and skin tightening treatments will help firm, contour, and sculpt your legs for lasting results that make all the difference.

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Medspa Treatments for Lower Body 

Medspas offers targeted treatments to those who wish to feel their best from head to toe. Lower body treatments such as cellulite reduction, fat blasting, and tightening can be achieved through a comprehensive approach at many medspas. From laser liposuction to radio frequency technology, you can get non-invasive treatments tailored specifically for your needs and results that last. Utilize the expertise of a medspa staff to discuss what therapies may work best for you and your body. Such treatments can be combined with healthy lifestyle changes such as exercise and proper nutrition for ultimate benefit.


“Great service, very clean, professional, and welcoming. Got some fillers, and Botox and got rid off some fat on my waist, doing it for years and love the results, now I have abs without going to the gym.”

- Botox Filler Body Contour Yelp Review
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Lower Body Treatments 

The newest non-invasive treatments for achieving desired contours and health of the lower body can help you look and feel your best. Whether seeking cellulite reduction, tighter muscles, even skin tones, or smoother skin on legs and feet, these treatments provide a practical option for those looking for firmer, better-looking results. We offer body contouring to remove stubborn fat cells and laser treatments to provide laser hair removal for permanent hair reduction, to promote toned skin, improve the look of spider veins, remove dead skin cells, treat cellulite, and tighten loose skin and sagging skin. Treatments safely utilize laser therapy, radiofrequency energy, and ultrasound to heat the deeper layers of skin and stimulate collagen production without pain or downtime.

To help individuals feel more confident and youthful, Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center offers a wide assortment of lower body treatments. The treatments can target thighs, knees, hips, and legs to reduce sagging or eliminate cellulite. Each treatment plan fits the individual’s specific needs and desired outcome. The Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center team understands the importance of feeling comfortable in one’s skin and strives for constant satisfaction. Whether you need a quick fix or continual maintenance, their services are tailored to suit any lifestyle. These lower body treatments will surely be worthwhile for those looking to enhance their overall appearance without surgery.

The Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center provides a unique range of lower-body treatments that cater to both men and women. Their highly trained, knowledgeable staff allow clients to utilize their expertise to achieve overall well-being. Whether seeking relief from muscle fatigue, assisting with troubled circulation, or a general rejuvenation of the feet and legs, the BHRC team has the experience to help coax you back into feeling your fullest potential. With many coveted locations scattered across the country, you can depend on their state-of-the-art facilities and dedication to helping you look and feel your best.

Lower Body FAQs

  • Can Microneedling help cellulite?

    Microneedling is an exciting treatment that can offer several cosmetic benefits beyond just minimizing lines and wrinkles on the face. Many patients are pleasantly surprised to learn that this technique can also be used as part of their body-contouring regimen, with results ranging from smoother skin texture, improved circulation in affected areas, and a noticeable reduction in cellulite’s signature dimpled look!

  • Can you fat-freeze cellulite?

    CoolSculpting is a popular non-surgical option for eliminating unwanted fat, but it won’t make any tangible difference in the texture and tone of your skin – including minimizing stubborn cellulite.

  • How painful is laser on legs?

    Certain body areas may feel more intense for laser hair removal than others. Areas with thicker skin, like legs or backs, tend to be less reactive due to their sturdy nature – however, those on your face and bikini line will likely experience a bit more ouch!

  • Can you do CoolSculpting on your lower legs?

    CoolSculpting, an advanced fat-freezing technique, helps reduce stubborn lower leg contours with dramatic effects. This technology targets the subcutaneous calf fat cells and causes irreparable damage – leaving behind a new shapely silhouette!

  • Can you use QWO for legs?

    QWO is a revolutionary new treatment that can drastically reduce the appearance of cellulite on both your buttocks and thighs – achieve smoother, more toned skin with incredible results.

  • How many sessions of QWO are needed?

    For those seeking a more toned and smoother look, QWO treatments offer an innovative non-surgical solution. In just three treatment sessions spaced 21 days apart over ten weeks, patients can expect to experience a noticeable improvement in their cellulite’s appearance with expert consultation and injections.

  • Does Microneedling help cellulite on legs?

    For those seeking a more toned and smoother look, QWO treatments offer an innovative non-surgical solution. In just three treatment sessions spaced 21 days apart over ten weeks, patients can expect to experience a noticeable improvement in their cellulite’s appearance with expert consultation and injections.

  • Is laser treatment suitable for the legs?

    Laser treatments offer an excellent solution for improving leg circulation while reducing or eliminating spider and varicose veins. With this procedure, not only will your body benefit, but so will the overall appearance of your legs.


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