Blast Stubborn Belly Fat With The BTL Vanquish Fat Removal Technique
If you’re looking for a non-invasive procedure that can help you get rid of the belly bulge, love handles, back fat, saddle bags, bat wings, and other stubborn fat problems, then the Vanquish fat removal technique is the perfect answer for you.
Approved by the FDA, the BTL Vanquish procedure eliminates the need for invasive and often painful fat removal solutions like liposuction and abdominoplasty. It is safe to use and does not involve any downtime or surgery. And it’s for these reasons and more, that the BTL Vanquish fat removal technique, a premier non-surgical belly fat blaster, is offered at our BHRC medical spa locations.
The Vanquish Fat Removal Procedure Explained
The Vanquish fat removal device resembles a semi-circular metallic belt that emits high-frequency radio waves. The Energy Flow Control™ system targets fat cells precisely, heating them to temperatures of 44°C to 46°C so that they are destroyed. Its tuning circuitry ensures that the waves do not affect the skin or surrounding muscle tissues leaving them intact and untouched. Since the radio-frequency energy can be directed at a larger area at once, the procedure acts much faster than other fat removal solutions. Further, the device does not touch the skin so you’re not likely to sense any discomfort that might arise out of suction or a pulsating action.
What the BTL Vanquish Machine Can Do for Your Body
When you sign up for the Vanquish fat removal treatment, the aesthetician begins by examining your body and understanding your expectations from the procedure. During this time, you can talk about the cosmetic concerns you have and the specific improvements you’re looking for. The aesthetician can then use this information to plan the procedure, and give your body those sleek contours you’ve dreamed of.
The Vanquish body sculpting device provides you with customized solutions that can erase all trouble spots such as muffin tops, bra fat, the beer belly, inner and outer thigh bags, and even gynecomastia in men. Within a few weeks, you’ll find that your clothes fit much better with the inches melting away
How Treatment is Given
Each Vanquish fat removal procedure takes between 30 to 60 minutes to complete. The only preparation you need to take is to drink at least 3 liters of water each day in the days leading up to the treatment. On the day of the procedure, you must take around 2 liters of water to help facilitate the fat burning ability of the machine.
You can lay down comfortably and the device is set up over the areas targeted for treatment. The only sensations you’ll feel are that of a relaxing warmth very similar to getting a hot stone massage. You’ll need 4 to 6 sessions to achieve the desired results with an interval of about a week between two sessions.
The results speak for themselves. Read up on Vanquish fat removal reviews, and you’ll find that they talk about a reduction of close to 2 inches on the abdomen and an inch on the thigh circumference after 4 sessions.
Vanquish Fat Removal – Completely Safe and Painless Treatment
Having followed a strict diet and exercise regimen, if you feel that you’re not getting optimum weight and inch loss results, it might be time to look for alternative solutions like the Vanquish fat removal treatment. And the BTL Vanquish results our clients see in their bodies confirms that this is the ideal procedure for people who are more than 20 pounds overweight and looking to drop the inches without expensive surgical options.
To find out more about the Vanquish body sculpting technique or book a free consultation with one of our friendly staff, then contact us today and see how you can achieve a fabulous, gorgeous body without the pain and discomfort of conventional methods of fat loss.