How to Get Rid Of Chin Fat: The Latest Technology Revealed
With the many ways on how to get rid of chin fat, which ones are the best? Safest? Most reliable? Most suitable for your individual chin type and overall aesthetic goals? Check out some of the most popular available options and find out what each procedure entails.
Chin fat can be even more frustrating than cellulite, love handles, and other types of stubborn fat.
You ask why?
It’s because it’s right there on your face. Everyone you talk to, every picture you take, and every video you participate in, you’ll share your audience with that piece of wobbly nuisance. If you want to know how to get rid of chin fat, read along. We might have just the right thing for you in our list.
Eliminate Fat With Diet and Exercise
First, let’s just be clear about this. You can’t spot-reduce fat in one area of your body through exercise or diets. You need a full body workout to get an even shedding of excess weight. A good weight loss plan can give you that wholesome toned body you desire. That said, you can work your jaw muscles to attain a smoother tone and firm up your skin. This effectively hides the chin fat as the continued exercises burn up your body fat.
Boost Chin Skin Elasticity With Microcurrents
You can stimulate collagen and elastin to firm up your chin skin by use of micro current devices. Microcurrents work especially well with aging clients whose muscles have become saggy. This loss of elasticity is corrected when the micro currents re-educate the chin muscles and they contract as tightly as when you were younger.
Tighten Loose Chin Skin With Radio Frequency
Radiofrequency (RF) energy treatment works to non-surgically tighten loose or saggy skin. Some of the popular devices used for RF chin treatment include Thermage, Accent, Pelleve, and Tripollar.
How to Get Rid of Chin Fat with Kybella
Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable that actively destroys submental fat cells in your chin area. The active ingredient in this prescription drug is synthetic deoxycholic acid. It’s a naturally occurring molecule found in our bodies and aids in breaking down and absorbing dietary fat.
Each Kybella treatment session lasts 15-20 minutes and your specialist will determine how many sessions you’ll need to attain your aesthetic goals.
Freeze Chin Fat Cells With CoolSculpting
If you want to know how to get rid of chin fat fast, then CoolSculpting might just be your best bet for a more contoured neck.
CoolSculpting is an FDA-cleared non-surgical procedure that uses the fat freezing technology known as cryo-lipolysis. With a CoolSculpting applicator, the specialist works on the target area. The device freezes fat cells without damaging the surrounding skin or muscle tissue. The procedure spot-targets the exact areas you desire and the results are quickly noticeable and lasting.
Suck Out Chin Fat With Liposuction
If your neck fat is just too much to handle with nonsurgical procedures such as Kybella and CoolSculpting, then you might be a candidate for liposuction.
Liposuction remains one of the most popular fat reduction techniques. The procedure requires only one treatment and has little or no side effects. A tiny incision is made in the target area and a very small cannula is used to suck out the fat.
The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reports that there were 396,048 liposuction procedures in the US in 2015 alone. And the numbers have risen in the last 2 years.
Surgically Restore Your Facial Balance With a Neck Lift
If your chin and other neck areas are in really bad shape and need a complete overhaul, then a neck lift may be what you need. A neck lift is a neck-contouring surgical procedure is favored for restoring balance to the whole face and improving wrinkled or sagging skin.
It’s an outpatient procedure done under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. The surgeon makes tiny incisions behind your ear and under the chin, then tightens your neck muscles for a smoother, more youthful look.