
Rosacea is a skin condition that can lead to redness and inflammation of the face, which can be painful and embarrassing.

Fortunately, medspa treatments are available to help combat rosacea and give patients back healthy, vibrant skin.

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IPL Lumenis Quantum Photofacial
Medical Grade Peel - PCA

Medspa Treatments for Rosacea

If you are one of the millions of people struggling with rosacea, a medspa treatment may be worth considering. Medspa treatments have been proven to reduce rosacea symptoms, such as redness, flushing, and sensitivity.

Rosacea Treatments

With the many available treatments for rosacea, you can take control of your skin and manage its signs and symptoms. Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center offers several options for patients looking to reduce redness, bumps, and other effects caused by rosacea. Whether powerful medical-grade skincare products, specialized laser treatments, or light therapy, everyone will find something that works best for them.


  • Botox - Botox can do more than reduce wrinkles - it has the power to calm rosacea-associated redness and flushing! Micro-Botox injections also reduce large pores, a common symptom of this skin condition.

Facial Services

  • HydraFacial Not only will your skin be renewed, but you'll also benefit from its therapeutic effect that can help diminish rosacea. 
  • Microneedling - For those who suffer from the discoloration associated with this skin condition, it offers a potentially faster and more lasting solution than other treatments.

Laser Treatments

  • IPL Lumenis Quantum Photofacial - A series of powerful light frequencies penetrate deep into the skin to target and reduce rosacea, age spots, wrinkles, sun damage, and other issues - giving you a brighter complexion without requiring any downtime.
  • Medical Grade Peel - PCA - Medical-grade treatments help combat the signs of aging, tackle stubborn acne, soothe sensitive areas, or reduce hyperpigmentation. 
  • ProYellow - Treat stubborn pigmentation and vascular issues, unlocking possibilities to put skin imperfections in our past!

More About Rosacea

Medspa treatments are becoming increasingly popular to reduce the visible signs of rosacea. Whether you're looking to reduce redness, diminish the appearance of broken capillaries, or decrease acne-like activity, medspa treatments can help you achieve your desired results. Our highly experienced and knowledgeable estheticians can develop personalized treatment plans tailored to individual client's needs, including various options, such as laser therapy or topical facials. With improved technology and expert care, clients can enjoy enhanced skin texture and radiance without surgery. So, if you're looking for safe and reliable methods to break away from rosacea's debilitating effects, consider seeking medspa treatments.

Rosacea FAQs

Is Microneedling OK with Rosacea?

Is HydraFacial good for rosacea?

What cosmetic procedures help with rosacea?

Is there a permanent cure for rosacea?

Which is better for rosacea, IPL or laser?

How many laser treatments does it take to get rid of rosacea?

Is Dermaplaning OK for rosacea?

Does Botox help rosacea?